๐Ÿ“ฅProvide Liquidity

  • Providing liquidity manually is a common practice on all DEXes. You first swap into the tokens you want to provide liquidity with in the exact ratio, then add liquidity to a pool.

You can provide liquidity either by opening your own position or copy another wallet's strategy:


You can open a position from both the โ€œHot Poolsโ€ page or the โ€œPosition Detailโ€ pages.

Step 1: Identify the pool of your interest & click "Add Liquidity"

You can find the "Add Liquidity" button in 2 different pages:

  • From the โ€œHot Poolsโ€ page, use our advanced filter options to select the pool where you want to provide LP. Then click the "Plus" button on the right-hand side.

  • Or from the โ€œPosition Detailsโ€ page, click the "Add liquidity" button on the bottom left of the page

Step 2: Choose your preferred price range and provide liquidity

You can provide liquidity either through Zap-In or manually. With Zap-In, provide liquidity with any available token in one click. Manually, you need both pool tokens in the correct ratio.

Step 3: Visit your Profile to see your LP position


You can copy another walletโ€™s position on the โ€œStrategy Detailโ€ pages by following these steps:

Step 1: Visit the profile page of the wallet you want to copy.

Do this by (1) pasting the wallet address into the search bar on the top right corner of any page, (2) picking one from the โ€œTop Walletโ€ tab on the โ€œHot Poolsโ€ page, or (3) clicking on the Owner address of the pool that interests you on the "Strategies" page.

Step 2: On the Strategy tab, click on the strategy you want to copy.

Step 3: Provide liquidity with Zap In on the right-hand side. Your position will have the same setup (Price Range, Auto Rebalance triggers, etc.) as the copied strategy.

Step 4: Visit your Profile to see your LP position

Last updated