πŸ“€Remove Liquidity

At Krystal, you can remove liquidity manually or use our ⚑Zap-Out⚑ innovation:

  • Removing liquidity manually is a common practice on all DEXes. You first recollect the two tokens of your position. If these tokens are not what you want to hold, you need to perform additional swap transactions to convert them into your preferred token.

  • With ⚑ Krystal’s Zap-Out⚑, you can remove liquidity and swap those liquidity to your preferred token in ONE TRANSACTION.

Step 1: Pick a position and click "Remove Liquidity"

You can remove liquidity (1) on the β€œPositions” tab of your "Profile" page, (2) on the β€œPosition Details” page, or (3) on the "Strategy Details" page.

  • From the "Positions" tab in your "Profile" page, click on the minus icon at the end of the position

  • Or from β€œPosition Details” page, click on β€œRemove Liquidity” button in the β€œLiquidity” info box

  • Or from β€œStrategy Details” page, on the right-hand side, click β€œRemove Liquidity.”

Step 2: Choose between the Zap-Out or Manual option, amount to be removed, then click "Remove

Zap-Out converts all your liquidity to any token you prefer, while Manual returns both LP tokens of the position. Then choose the percentage you want to remove. To completely close your position, select 100%.

Step 3: Click on your wallet at the top right corner to see your balance.

Last updated